Mutah University :: Towards a Better Learning Environment

 Structure of the Deanship and Job Description


Job Description of the Deanship of Scientific Research


Dean: Dean of Scientific Research

Vice Dean: to perform the functions and powers delegated by the Dean.

Assistant Dean:

In case the vice dean position was (or is) occupied by (or assigned to ) a doctor from a scientific college, the assistant dean position should (or shall) be occupied by (assigned to ) a doctor from humanities colleges.

The assistant dean should be proficient in English language

The assistant dean should undertake the following duties:​

  1.        Supervising and following up the necessary support for external and internal researches, projects, and conferences
  2.         Supervising the dean website and ensuring that the web site is always updated
  3.          Working on creating the proper and efficient environment for communication between the scientific colleges and humanities colleges in relation to research, conferences and projects of colleges and scientific centers
  4.        Using the necessary means to encourage members and researchers in the university to conduct innovative scientific research
  5.       Ensuring and carrying out a proper coordination between local and international research centers
  6.          Provides the necessary means to encourage other university members to participate in the advertised research projects on the deanship website
  7.         Directing researchers to address the needs of society to serve its current and future development plans

Chief of the Bureau 

1. Coordinating with all the departments and divisions of the Deanship to follow the daily and weekly work movements as directed by the Dean, and prepare the official books as required.
2. Follow-up and follow-up and coordination of daily mail.
3. Supervise the request for supplies and follow-up maintenance.
4. Supervising the receipt of stationery and distributing them to the departments of the Deanship.
5. Supervise the postal workers and distribute their daily work.
6. Presenting a monthly report to the dean on the work of the Deanship by merging the reports received from the departments
7. Organize and arrange leave and leave and submit a monthly report to the Dean.
8. Any other matters assigned to it.

Secretary of the Dean:


1. Follow-up all the  correspondence of the Dean's Office

 2. arranging the Dean’s appointments and mettings with the staff of the Deanship and with various committees and councils at the University departments.

3. Receiving telephone calls and recording the required information delivered to the Deans office.

4. Forming a link between the Dean and other members in the Deanship.

5. responsible for all the  printing jobs of the Dean office.

6. Any other tasks I that are assiagned by the Dean.


The Office of Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Transfer:

It carries all the responsibilities according to the instructions of   the Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Transfer Office issued by the Board of Deans no. 610/2016, corresponding to 14/11/2016.

Department of scientific journals


It is responsible for directing the scientific journals issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University, whether national journals or mutah journals of research and studies.

Duties of the Director of the scientific journal department:

1.     Follow up the reviewing process of research manuscripts submitted for publication in journals that are issued by the Deanship.

2.     Submit the accepted researches for publication to Publications Department.

3.     Monitor the effectiveness of the online submission system of journals.

4.     Clarifying the duties of journal secretaries in coordination with the Dean office and the heads of the editorial boards of scientific journals.

5.     Participation in the committees that are concerned with the scientific journals that are issued by the Deanship.

6.     Ensure that the heads  of various divisions carry out the tasks as according to the instructions.

7.     Any other taska assigned by the Dean office

Head of Mutah journals Division:


1. responsible for archiving all the correspondences related to Mutah Journals.

2. Ensuring that the submitted research are securely saved and archived..

3. Responsible for all correspondence related to the Division.

4. Prepare the necessary statistics related to the journals

5. Write an annual report on the achievements of the journal.

6. Any other matters assigned to it.




Head of National Journals Division:


1. The functions of registering the correspondence of national magazines shall be carried out in a special register. Responsible for the register of the correspondences of nationalJournalss

2. ensure that all the submitted research papers are securely archived

3. Resonsible for all the correspondence relating to the Division.

4. Prepare the necessary statistics related to the journal

5. Write an annual report on the achievements of the divisions

6. Any other task that is assigned by the Dean Office.


Department of Scientific Research and Development:


The department of scientific research and development, through the scientific research committee, carries out the duties according to the article (5) of the Scientific Research instructions at Mu'tah University No. (39) for the year 2003. These duties include:

1. Ensuring that the the University's policy on supporting and publishing scientific research is appropriately applied.

2. preparing the annual supporting plans for scientific research and present the plan to the Council for approval.

3. Determining  the necessary foundations to preserve the university and researchers rights in scientific research .

4. Discussing and determining the annual necessary budget for scientific research to be considered in the university budget

5. Collecting information of  internal and external scientific researches and projects thar are conducted by the university members

 6. Suggesting the necessary instructions for organzing, encouraging, supporting, evaluating, and publishing the scientific research. Then sensding  these instructionto the University Council for approval.


Director of the scientific research and development:


1. Following up various divisons work and ensuring that submitted research papers are processed according to the instrructions

2. Follow-up arbitration of research, manuscripts and books that are submitted for publication  to the department.

3. Supervising research and research projects supported within and outside the university.

4. Following up the Scientific Research Committee instructions and ensure that these instructions are applied.

5. Follow-up external projects and research according to the agreements with external bodies

6. making the necessary communications with the university Finance Unit to faciltate and solve issues related to scientific research financial support.

7. Supervising the delivery of the accepted books and manuscripts for publication to the Department of press and publications

8. Providing the IT department with all mansuscripts and related conrrespondenses for electronic archival.

9. arranging training courses and lectures in the fields of scientific research.

10. Participating in the committees concerned with the scientific journals issued by the Deanship.

11. Follow-up of daily mail in the department.

12. Any other matters assigned by the Dean Office.

Scientific Research Support Division:

1. Receiving the research support application that is submitted electronically or by hand and ensure compliance with the instructions.

2. Documenting research decisions.

3. Writing annual report and following up on scientific research.

4. Writing an annual report on the achievements of the Division.

5. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.

6. Any other matters assigned by the Dean’s Office.​


Division of Scientific Conference Support

1. Receipt of applications to support conferences, symposia, scientific days, paper and electronic and ensure compliance with instructions.

2. Documenting the committee decisions of the conferences

3. Implementing the decision of the Scientific Research Committee regarding the support of conferences, symposia and scientific days in coordination with the concerned authorities.

4. Follow up the implementation of scientific conferences.

5. Follow up the technical and financial report on the results of the conference and its recommendations and the resulting scientific papers with the organizer of the conference.

6. Follow-up with the faculties to provide the Deanship with its annual plan of conferences, seminars or scientific days proposed during the academic year.

7. Receipt of applications received from faculty members included in the request for approval for financial  support to  the participation in external conferences and ensure compliance with instructions.

8. Writing an annual report on the achievements of the division.

9. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the division.

10. Any other matters assigned to it.



Division of Research Projects

1. Receiving  all papers of the projects after approval by the Scientific Research Committee and ensure compliance with the instructions.

2. Documenting the decisions of the projects.

3. Follow up the implementation of scientific research projects.

4. Follow-up financial and administrative matters for research projects delegated to the Deanship of Scientific Research.

5. Writing an annual report on the achievements of the division.

6. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the division.

7. Any other matters assigned by the Dean’s Office.


Division of scientific production monitroing

1. Follow-up scientific production at Mutah University.

2. Providing multiple statistics on the university's scientific and research activities.

3. Working on building an electronic database of projects and scientific production at the university.

4. Following up the implementation of projects and research and submit their own reports and close them with the concerned authorities in a timely manner.

5. Writing and following up all correspondence related to the division.

6. Writing an annual report on the achievements of the division.

7. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.

8. Any other matters assigned by the Dean’s Office.


Divisions of Translation


1. Receiving research projects and researches submitted for translation electronically and in paper.

2. ensuring that the procedures related to translation and copyrights are legal and follow official channels.

3. Translating published research.

4- Translating the abstracts of researches, publications, periodicals and books of the Deanship.

5. Supervising the translation of books, studies and scientific documents and enriching the library of the Deanship to achieve scientific research and publishing service.

6. Writing an annual report on the achievements of the Division.

7. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.

8. Any other matters assigned by the Dean’s Office.​

Fifth: Department of Publications and Technical Support

 The Department will receive the accepted research papers for publication, proofreading, editing and then transfer them to the final form of printing. A plan will be issued for the distribution of the Deanship's publications. The department will also be responsible for developing and updating the Deanship of Scientific Research website, adding electronic links related to the services of magazines and projects. Continuously for the Deanship, and the media coverage of conferences and scientific researches of the faculties of the university, and for each new in the Deanship, in addition to publishing journals electronically
Functions of the Director of the Department:

1. Receipt of researches accepted for publication by the Department of Journals under official restrictions.
2. Coordination with the Dean of Scientific Research and the heads of the editorial boards to select the research for publication according to the rules and instructions.
3. Receipt of books and manuscripts approved for publication.
4. Participate in the development of technical conditions and specifications for printing the publications of the Deanship.
5. Coordination with the Central Tenders Committee to ensure that the conditions and specifications of the tender for the assignment of printing journals and books issued by the Deanship.
6. Supervising the establishment of a new site for the Deanship of Scientific Research.
7. Supervise the updating of the site data permanently.
8. Supervising the marketing of the Deanship and its publications electronically.
9. Ensure the publication of journals issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research electronically.
10. Follow-up to update the data of the scientific output of Mutah University.
11. Follow-up on the announcement of conferences, seminars and related works.
12. Participating in the relevant committees related to the publications issued by the Deanship.
13. Follow-up of issues of publications with relevant printing presses.
14. Ensure that the heads of the people carry out the tasks entrusted to them.
15. Any other matters assigned to it.

Five people emerge from the circle:
Printing Division:

1. Receipt of the nominated research for publication by the director of the department.
2. Printing the numbers of Mu'tah Magazine for research and studies.
3. Printing the numbers of national magazines
4. Print the publications of the Deanship.
5. Write an annual report on the achievements of the Division.
6. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.
7. Any other matters assigned to it.

Editing and Publications Division:

1. Editing the accepted researches for publication after receiving them from the researchers and making sure they conform to the conditions and instructions of publication in the magazines.
2. To carry out editing tasks for all publications of the Deanship.
3. Correcting proofs of magazines and books nominated for publication.
4. Final follow-up with the accredited printing presses to carry out the required works according to the approved conditions.
5. Ensure the issuance of publications of the Deanship and magazines and books in paper and electronic form.
6. Proofreading the information published on the website of the Deanship.
7. Write an annual report on the achievements of the Division.
8. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.
9. Any other matters assigned to it.

Division of Contributions and Sanctions

1. Follow-up of subscriptions and sales according to approved models.
2. Participate in the incoming exhibitions and coordinate with the various publishing houses to participate in the foreign exhibitions of the book.
3. Implement the approved plans for the marketing of publications issued by the Deanship and the statutes according to the rules and instructions.
4. Receipt of the publications from the Department of Supplies at the specified time and insert them into the University and Deanship restrictions as required.
5. Supervise the safety of the machines and machines used in the Deanship and good performance and follow-up processing and repair with the concerned authorities.
6. Supervising and organizing the warehouses of the Deanship and keeping a record showing the holdings of assets and what goes in and out according to quantities, types and dates.
7. Write an annual report on the achievements of the Division.
8. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.
9. Any other matters assigned to it.

Website Update Division:
1. Design a new site for the Deanship of Scientific Research.
2. Update site data permanently.
3. Dissemination of scientific research data at the university.
4. Publication of journals issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research electronically.
5. Establishing and updating a scientific research database at the university.
6. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.
7. Write an annual report on the achievements of the Division.
8. Any other matters assigned to it.

The Electronic Media and Marketing Division is tasked with:

1. To electronically define the role of the Deanship and its mission and to seek to build a positive image of scientific research at the University.
2. Publishing the news and events of the Deanship in coordination with the Department of Public Cultural Relations.
3. Marketing the production of the Deanship of publications, researches and projects electronically.
4. Electronic announcement of conferences, seminars and scientific research activities at the university in coordination with the concerned authorities.
5. Announce new grants and support projects, research and scientific studies locally, regionally and internationally.
6. Writing and exporting all correspondence related to the Division.
7. Write an annual report on the achievements of the Division.
8. Any other matters assigned to it.

The custodian of the warehouse is administratively responsible for the scientific research and technical department of the supplies department

1. Receipt of the publications from the Department of Supplies at the specified time and insert them into the University and Deanship restrictions as required.
2. Supervising the safety of the machines and machines used in the Deanship and good performance and follow-up processing and repair with the concerned authorities.
3. Supervising and organizing the warehouses of the Deanship and keeping a record showing the holdings of assets and what goes in and out according to quantities, types and dates.
4. Any other matters assigned to it.

