Page Image Page Content The Deanship of Scientific Research at the University seeks to support scientific translation from foreign languages into Arabic language for faculty members, researchers and in various disciplines to achieve the construction of a high quality scientific environment. The Deanship aims to provide this support to: 1. Encourage the exchange of culture and knowledge among peoples. 2. To enrich the scientific research in the university and the society in terms of knowledge and culture. 3. Encouraging and motivating faculty members, researchers and those interested in translation to achieve outstanding scientific work. The following conditions must be met in the translated work for support: 1. The translated work should be a distinguished scientific addition in his specialty. 2. The work translated into the areas and priorities of scientific research in the university and the Kingdom. 3. The translation should be accurate and professional so that the integrity of meaning is preserved for the original work. 4. Taking into account the scientific ethics and intellectual property of others. 5. The translated version should not have been published or submitted for publication at any time..